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  1. From a Microsoft-funded study from April 2022.
  2. Reported by from Greenpeace’s 2022 repair report.
  3. As reported by the National Conference of State Legislatures and
  4. Calculated using internal historical data on attributable upgrades resulting from Scanner and Selector web tool usage. For illustrative purposes only.
  5. Based on: The evolution of consumer electronic waste in the U.S. J Ind Ecol. 2021; 25:693–706. by Althaf S, Babbitt CW, Chen R. and Resourceful recycling process of waste desktop computers: A review study. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 110. 30-47. 10.1016/j.resconrec.2016.03.017. by Al Razi, Khandakar. (2016).

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