It is rare for our customers to need to return Crucial products, but we do understand issues can happen and we are here to help. All our products, purchased on, come with a 45 day money back guarantee (30 days for factory recertified SSDs).
To initiate a return, you can quickly set up a return online using our online RMA tool. We'll issue you a return authorization number (RMA), and provide return instructions. Once we receive and process your return, we'll issue your refund. This process can take up to two weeks.
If you ordered an incorrect product and need to exchange it for a different product. It's easy to simply set up a refund within the 45 day refund period (30 days for factory recertified SSDs), and then place a new order using our Crucial® System Scanner or Crucial Advisor Tool to find guaranteed compatible upgrades.
If you are thinking of returning product because you are experiencing an issue with installation, configuration or the product's performance, please note most issues can be easily resolved. We recommend visiting our Memory FAQs or our SSD FAQs as they help most of our customers solve any problems they encounter with their Crucial products. If you are still experiencing problems, contact our support team for help.
It's possible, if the vendor you purchased from has a refund policy. You will need to contact them directly to identify your options.